Summer School on Organic Electronics and Neuromorphic Systems

The Summer School on Organic Electronics and Neuromorphic Systems (June 17-20, 2024) will consist of a comprehensive set of classes aimed at doctoral or postdoctoral level researchers from both industry and academia. By means of a programme consisting of lectures, tutorials, advanced discussion groups, students will expand and refine their knowledge of organic materials, devices and circuits for microelectronics, as well as of neuromorphic devices and circuits with the world’s leading experts in  these fields.

This Summer School is sponsored by the EU-funded BAYFLEX (Bayesian Inference with Flexible electronics for biomedical Applications) project. It is organized by the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Control Engineering (DEEEiA) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), in Tarragona. The  Chair of the Summer School is Prof. Benjamin Iñiguez.


Comienza: junio 17

Finaliza: junio 21


Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Control Engineering (DEEEiA)

Teléfono: + 34 977 559 610 / 559 728

Correo electrónico:


Campus Catalunya de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Avinguda Catalunya 35

Tarragona, 43002 España + Google Map