The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) has 20,000 students, 1,600 professors and six campuses that include the three schools of industrial engineering, telecommunications and computer science, with their corresponding degrees and postgraduate courses. It has 117 R+D+i groups and 11 research institutes. Among them, in the microchip sector, the University Institute of Applied Microelectronics, founded as a centre in 1987 as part of the first National Microelectronics Plan, stands out. The IUMA has six microelectronic design laboratories, one for device characterisation, one for semiconductor materials, and one for manufacturing and prototyping, in which around a hundred people work, organised into eight divisions, with the support of seven professors from the Electronics Technology area.
Address: C/ Juan de Quesada, número 30- las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Telephone: 928458046
Contact person: Francisco Javier del Pino Suárez