AESEMI publishes a Reference Directory of Semiconductor Entities and Projects in Spain

From AESEMI we want to share the result of an initiative that we have carried out during the last months and have materialised in two documents: the Directory of Entities and the Project Exhibitor, with which we seek to create a centralised point where the main information of the agents of the ecosystem is shown.

AESEMI is looking forward to this initiative, and we thank the 13 entities that have participated in this first version of both documents. For us, these documents are a milestone, because they allow us to bring to light the enormous capabilities of our companies, universities and R&D centres, and demonstrate that Spain has a solid ecosystem capable of attracting investment at the highest level.

The documents will be updated periodically, in both Spanish and English versions, and will be actively shared with national and international associations from very different sectors to encourage interest and knowledge about Spanish companies.

Do you want to appear in the company directory or share a project with us? Join us by filling in this form.

You can download the first version of both documents below: