Structured microLED-based micro illumination

Ángel Dieguez – Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Beyond LED microdisplays, InGaN/GaN microLED arrays are expected to greatly expand the potential applications of nitride semiconductors by offering structured light at the micro- or nanometer scale. Potential applications include chip-based microscopy [1], optical neuromorphic computing, LiFi communications or even optogenetics …

Webinar ECOVEM 

Friday 21 June at 12.00 Next Friday 21st, at 12:00 we co-organise a Webinar to present the ECoVEM initiative. This project brings together VET schools, polytechnics, industry associations and social partners to establish a European cooperation platform of professional excellence in microelectronics to address the challenges of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and …

SECPHO and AESEMI collaborate in the organisation of a joint mission to the main trade fairs in Taiwan

Taiwan, as the world’s largest semiconductor producer, is indispensable in the development of integrated photonics and advanced semiconductor packaging. The output value of Taiwan’s photonics industry exceeded US$62 billion in 2023, with an annual growth rate of 44%, accounting for 10% of the global market. This is why secpho and AESEMI, through the Economic and …

AESEMI welcomes the announcement of the award of 65.4 million euros under the IPCEI for Microelectronics

AESEMI, the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association, welcomes the announcement by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism to provisionally grant subsidies amounting to 65.4 million euros to two projects of Spanish companies participating in the Microelectronics IPCEI. This long-awaited announcement is a great reflection of the institutional support for innovative projects being proposed by the Spanish …


From 24/07/2024 to 26/07/2024 The theme of the course is the concept that connects the development of semiconductors with digital development and the economy it generates, so that we understand the semiconductor sector as a market in itself, but value it for the impact it enables in the rest of the sectors, positioning the semiconductor …

The Polytechnic University of Cartagena, new member of AESEMI

The Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) joins the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association (AESEMI) in a new step to unify a sector in which research and teaching play an essential role. The activity of the UPCT focuses on education, development of science, technology and culture through study and research. The UPCT was created in 1998 and …

MemrisTec Summer School 2024

From 22.9. – 29.9.2024 in Groningen, Netherlands Welcome to the third MemrisTec Summer School which is covering the topics of the research programme Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems. Memristors are nanoelectric devices capable of storage and computation. Their specific properties make it possible to integrate significantly more memory than before in a very small space …

Artificial Vision in adverse conditions

Artificial Vision has emerged as an invaluable tool in a variety of fields, from manufacturing to medicine and autonomous driving. However, its effectiveness lies largely in the quality of the dataset used to train the models. When implementing a computer vision system, the first decision is to choose which AI technology to use. We can …

Televés joins AESEMI

The Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association (AESEMI) celebrates the incorporation of Televés, a leading global technology company in the design, development and manufacture of solutions for telecommunications infrastructures and service platforms in homes, buildings and cities, into its membership. Televés, whose headquarters are located in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), was founded in 1958, so it has …

The applied research centre TECNALIA joins AESEMI

TECNALIA, the largest applied research and technological development centre in Spain and a benchmark in Europe, joins the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association (AESEMI). Their union represents a step towards the growth of the sector and the generation of synergies. The largest applied research and technological development centre in Spain and a benchmark in Europe, TECNALIA, …