Ceit joins AESEMI to strengthen Spain’s semiconductor industry

Ceit Technology Center has joined the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association (AESEMI), reinforcing its commitment to the development of a competitive national ecosystem in the field of semiconductors and microelectronics.

The incorporation to AESEMI allows Ceit to add its technological capacity and experience to an association that brings together the main Spanish companies in the sector. AESEMI seeks to enhance the competitiveness of the national semiconductor industry, give visibility to its key players and act as an interlocutor with national and international organizations.

A key contribution from technological innovation

Ceit brings to the AESEMI ecosystem a solid track record in applied research and technological innovation. From its Electronic Systems and Communications (and Laser groups, the center develops advanced solutions such as the design of processors based on RISC-V architecture, fundamental for high-performance embedded systems, and the modeling and fabrication of metamaterials and coded surfaces, designed to optimize wireless communications.

In addition, his areas of work range from the development of communication and sensorization systems with integrated circuits for industrial, logistics and transportation applications to structural health monitoring in complex environments. Also noteworthy are his activities in technology transfer, where he leads projects in the design of safe and efficient embedded systems, integration of machine learning algorithms, and electronic systems adapted to their environments, including ATEX explosive atmospheres.

Ceit’s laboratories and technical capabilities include pre-certification testing in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), vibration and temperature, as well as RAMS analysis and radio frequency characterization. These tools position the center as an essential technology partner for the advancement of emerging technologies within the for the advancement of emerging technologies within the semiconductor industry.

Track record of excellence and transfer

In addition to its research activity, since its creation in 1996 by the University of Navarra, Ceit has combined applied research with technology transfer, developing more than 100 R&D projects per year and promoting the creation of more than 19 technology spin-offs, generating more than 380 direct jobs.

Member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Ceit actively collaborates in the Basque research ecosystem and works in close coordination with other technology centers and industrial agents.


AESEMI represents the main players in the semiconductor and microelectronic design industry in Spain. Its mission is to strengthen the national position in the global value chain, promote innovation and act as an interlocutor at national and international level.

The incorporation of Ceit reinforces AESEMI’s vision of consolidating a technological ecosystem of reference, connecting research, industry and technology to guarantee a competitive and sustainable future for the semiconductor industry in Spain.

More information

You can learn more about Ceit in the Members section.

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